New Classes and Club Championships this weekend.
Adult Beginner Class
As a final reminder, our next session of the Adult Beginner Class begins this Sunday. Parents of fencers, this a great way to become better acquainted with your fencer's sport! Fencing is a difficult sport to follow as a spectator when you've never done it before, so here's a chance to educate yourself or just learn something new. The class will be held for 10-12 weeks on Sundays from 10:00-11:30. Sign up today and learn alongside other newcomers to the sport in a relaxed environment.
Youth Beginner Class
While on the subject of classes, the Youth Beginner Class begins this Saturday. The class is not yet full, so get the word out! You are our best advertising! Links to sign up for the class can be found here.
Club Championships
Our Club Championship events for May will be held this Friday and Sunday. This is not only great experience, but also a very fun event for Hooked on Fencing. It would be awesome to see as many HoF fencers there as possible--if you are a member of Hooked on Fencing, this event is for you! You can come even if you don't register online, but it is a good practice to always register in advance. Hope to see you there!
Buccaneer Schedule Reminder
Just a friendly reminder--starting in May, our Buccaneers Class will meet on Thursdays in addition to Monday and Wednesdays. Also, more importantly, the Saturday class time has been changed to 10:00am. Don't forget!
National Registration Deadline
Don't let the National Championships registration deadline pass you by! If you are planning to fence at Nationals, there is no reason to wait on signing up. The deadline is May 19th, but why not register right now while it's on your mind? The link to register online can be found here.
Coaching at Nationals
It's time to start thinking about coaching at Nationals. We want our National competitors to have every possible advantage at this tournament--it looks like Walt will be there to coach for the first few days, and Johnny and I will be there for the remainder of the tournament. There will be a cost associated with this in order to pay for travel and lodging expenses. The more fencers who split this cost, the cheaper it will be for each individual. We will calculate the cost per event as Nationals get closer, but this is an early heads-up.
Have a good week,
Upcoming Events
5/2/2014Friday Night Club Championships
May Club Championships
Friday Night Club Championships Final
June Club Championships Final
HoF's Iron Knight
Genesis AccountingPhone: (440) 989-2570
Address: 4955 Oberlin Ave. Lorain, OH 44053
Be a sponsor?
If you would like to be a sponsor, let us know
Non HoF Events
June 22 - July 3National Championships